Now on to something more mundane...all about a kitchen remodel
The official start date for the excrutiatingly painful exercise in frustration is May 7, 2007. Now nearly two and a half months later, the deal is nearly done. Frankly, I'm surprised. Now as the end of the remodel is near, I can feel my sanity slowly returning. I've nearly accustomed myself to being sinkless, which is no small feat. My summer kitchen in the yard has turned out to be an unexpected surprise: from stovetop to al fresco dining in seconds. I originally wanted to give all the details--only because I had searched far and wide on the internet for valuable info and it was pretty hard to come by, due to the sheer dearth of blogs and sites out there. I've chronicled the entire thing by photo, which I may decide to post. Just in the interest of helping out another poor soul who decides to take the plunge. In any case, I'm growing a bit of nostalgie for the old 1927 kitchen: it's not so fun having everything shiny and new. It's do I put it....too clean somehow. At this point, the story has left me and I can't suck it back in to relate it to you all--sort of like a lukewarm to bad experience that you'd just as soon forget. And that's probably all for the best.